video essay
Captain America: From Super Soldier to Superhero
On the face of it, just like Tony Stark, Steve Rogers MCU arc as the first Captain America, is centred around reinvention - he...
Comic Books
The MCU and Reinventing Previous Adaptations
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is built around the idea of bringing decades worth of comic book characters and storylines into the movies and reinventing...
Iron Man: The Evolution of a Hero
One of the MCU’s most impressive traits is how it continually develops and reinvents its own characters. This is fitting as the whole thing...
Comic Books
The MCU and Reinventing The Comic Books
With over a decade of storytelling, and creating a truly interwoven on-screen comic book universe, it’s no surprise that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has...
Netflix’s Jupiter’s Legacy Review
Jupiter’s Legacy is Netflix’s latest comic book adaptation to bring a more realistic take on a superhero story. The first series or sorry "volume"...
The Falcon and Winter Soldier: The Legacy of Captain America
As well as delivering the buddy cop style comedy set in the MCU that most people expected from Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the...
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Review
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier follows in WandaVision’s footsteps by delivering another amazing show set in the MCU. The series isn’t without its...
Iron Man: Making the Unbelievable (Kind Of) Believable
One of the MCU’s biggest successes is how it makes the Iron Man suit (and all of Tony Stark’s tech) seem believable, and I'd...