As another entry into the live-action, DC Universe Black Adam has plenty of references to other movies and characters in the universe, as well as several of its own relating to the Black Adam...
For years Dwayne Johnson has promised (or perhaps threatened?) that with the arrival of Black Adam the “hierarchy of power” in the DCEU will change. Now I’m not totally sure what that existing hierarchy...
On the surface Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet is a modern-day workplace comedy that looks at the inner workings of the fictional online role-playing game Mythic Quest. But beneath that, the show touches on some topical gaming industry issues such...
On the face of it, just like Tony Stark, Steve Rogers MCU arc as the first Captain America, is centred around reinvention - he literally starts out as a skinny little guy who transforms into the infinitely impressive real-world...
With over a decade of storytelling, and creating a truly interwoven on-screen comic book universe, it’s no surprise that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had to reinvent several characters, storylines, and ideas - and that got me thinking about...
Based on the novel from Thomas Wheeler and Frank Miller, Netflix’s Cursed adapts the new take on the Arthurian legend, which puts the Lady of the Lake at the centre of the story. The ten-episode series adapts the book...
Combining several classic MCU tropes with a great twist on traditional martial arts wirework, and introducing our first new hero and team to the MCU for a while, Shang-Chi is fresh, fun and unique, and exactly what the MCU needed.
Shang-Chi is the first MCU movie centred around a brand new character since 2019’s Captain Marvel, and really that movie had the very familiar Nick Fury...